shadowplay: Eat : Rear View Mirror : 395
shadowplay: Dusty is very patient while Buddy does his leaping and barking whirling dervish thing.........
shadowplay: autofocus ambivalence : motion : abstract ritual
shadowplay: "7 - 4" Abstract Motion Study
shadowplay: explaining things...
shadowplay: Guardian Angel of Abused Dolls : the Video
shadowplay: Eyes Wide Open : Eyes Wide Shut
shadowplay: ... work in progress (excerpt from Chapt. 3)
shadowplay: Dusk on the ranchito.....
shadowplay: Morning Ritual: Everybody gets a Biscuit
shadowplay: Charros and their horses....
shadowplay: Sanctus : Prayer Train
shadowplay: Cirque du Soleil in recessionary times....
shadowplay: Work in Progress : "The Journey is the Destination" [sc.27, part]
shadowplay: DollsPlay : PlayDolls [v.2]
shadowplay: Juanito's Birthday Party
shadowplay: Real de Catorce (from the balcony)
shadowplay: Nightmare in the Valley of the Dolls
shadowplay: Christmas Eve in Oaxaca, Mexico
shadowplay: Fountain Abstract
shadowplay: Dusty nibbling on Cactus spines
shadowplay: I live in the desert near Los Angeles, partly because it is almost always sunny and warm.....what is wrong with these images?
shadowplay: Gene gets a horse to dance to Bobby "Blue" Bland
shadowplay: Work in Progress : "The Journey is the Destination" (sc. 30, part)
shadowplay: Intermission : Intromission