shadowplay: Fragments...
shadowplay: To Sleep: Perchance to Dream [Four of Five]
shadowplay: Fragments....
shadowplay: FOUR (of nine)
shadowplay: Fear of Dangerous Fools
shadowplay: "...those girls have such soft skin..."
shadowplay: Fragments....
shadowplay: Fear of Strange Men in Sunglasses
shadowplay: Subtext: "...unwraps her towel..."
shadowplay: Fragments....
shadowplay: THREE [of Nine]
shadowplay: Thanks a lot for everything asshole....
shadowplay: "How can you live, believing in nothing?"
shadowplay: Fragments.....
shadowplay: SEVEN (of nine)
shadowplay: To Sleep: Perchance to Dream [Three of Five]
shadowplay: Fragments.....
shadowplay: Dialogues of the Dead : "Any man's death diminishes me"...not so fast
shadowplay: Nine (of be continued)
shadowplay: Fragments....
shadowplay: EIGHT (of nine)
shadowplay: "....I burst into tears alone at home..." [v.2]
shadowplay: Subtext: "...will you still want to take me in your arms..."
shadowplay: Dialogues of the Dead : Not on the same page
shadowplay: ONE [of nine]
shadowplay: TWO [of nine]
shadowplay: Fragments.....