shadle: tools of the trade
shadle: FT240-43 wrapped in Scotch #27 tape
shadle: Panavise holding the pair of #14 AWG wires for binding
shadle: bifilar winding, bound with Scotch #27 tape
shadle: preparing for the first winding
shadle: halfway there, and then the crossover
shadle: completely wound
shadle: shot with extra length (I used 33", but could have gotten away with less)
shadle: scale comparison
shadle: preparing to drill the box for SO-239
shadle: the perfect fit
shadle: interior view
shadle: insert SO-239 "wrong side in" to help with drilling holes for #4-40 bolts
shadle: bolt holes drilled for #4-40 hardware
shadle: first trim
shadle: how much more should I trim?
shadle: sizing it up
shadle: enamel scraped and wires prepared
shadle: final product! continuity checks out okay, too
shadle: calculated impedance for 136 uH choke