shading: "Which life is mine?
shading: in front or behind
shading: the objective?"
shading: "Even if everybody want it
shading: it may be I don t"
shading: "Just 2 colors
shading: would make it easier
shading: but we would smile less often"
shading: "I wanna know your word
shading: and I would like to make you aware of mine"
shading: "So peaceful
shading: and surprised"
shading: I choose my proportion.
shading: Only the ground.
shading: "My mind...
shading: hard...
shading: ...and u don t know what about"
shading: "Am I what I do...
shading: ...or what I mean to do?"
shading: "All of us try to catch something special...
shading: ...or try to make special every shit:D"
shading: "Light for both of them: one make somebody get money,
shading: and the other one make everybody get dreams"
shading: Relax...just briething
shading: My dreams: sometimes in the LitterBin
shading: Waste of energy?
shading: Obsession: time
shading: Conventional
shading: The meridian:)
shading: "even thought u r alone...