shadfan66: water_miniatures
shadfan66: trees_miniatures
shadfan66: sunrise_miniatures
shadfan66: Beach scene
shadfan66: In the Lake District
shadfan66: Generic landscape
shadfan66: the way home
shadfan66: red sky at night
shadfan66: autumn path forest2
shadfan66: acrylic painting3
shadfan66: acrylic painting4
shadfan66: And then there were four
shadfan66: MIniature landscapes
shadfan66: miniature landscape1
shadfan66: Miniature landscape 2
shadfan66: Miniature acrylic painitngs trees and bluebells
shadfan66: Miniature acrylic painitngs -sunset 2
shadfan66: Miniature acrylic painitngs- autumn
shadfan66: Miniature acrylic painitngs-silver birch
shadfan66: Miniature acrylic painitngs-sunset at sea