dale 1960: View from Hyatt
dale 1960: Bony animals
dale 1960: 4 on donkey
dale 1960: Fruit store
dale 1960: Dusty Rameses
dale 1960: Sam reading Kartoush
dale 1960: Doing Jakobs Kartoush
dale 1960: Mini Sphynx
dale 1960: Produce donkey
dale 1960: Camel and palms
dale 1960: Dudes outside step pyramid
dale 1960: Snakes and Step pyramid
dale 1960: Local and step pyramid
dale 1960: Jakob and new friend
dale 1960: Step pyramid
dale 1960: Step pyramid and columns
dale 1960: Amish? tourists
dale 1960: Carpet making
dale 1960: Fast hands
dale 1960: Small boy big carpet
dale 1960: Stained hands
dale 1960: Shaved and not shaved
dale 1960: Big work
dale 1960: Big tangle
dale 1960: Showroom upstairs
dale 1960: Silk work
dale 1960: Nick having fun
dale 1960: Two great pyramids
dale 1960: Sphynx restoration
dale 1960: Sphynx head