Shade McVay: Lena Point
Shade McVay: Mine Ruins
Shade McVay: Totem pole
Shade McVay: Eagle Beach view
Shade McVay: Sunset
Shade McVay: Sunset
Shade McVay: Sunset
Shade McVay: Sunset
Shade McVay: icebergs in the lake
Shade McVay: glacier lake
Shade McVay: Noah and Max at the lake
Shade McVay: Beach by the glacier
Shade McVay: Rainbow over the Mendenhall Glacier
Shade McVay: Mine Ruins, downtown Juneau
Shade McVay: Tree Totem
Shade McVay: Tree Totem
Shade McVay: Noah at night
Shade McVay: Brown Bear, two blocks from our house
Shade McVay: Ivory Bilikins
Shade McVay: Bilikins
Shade McVay: Amanita Muscaria
Shade McVay: Autumn at the glacier
Shade McVay: Treadwell Dock Ruins
Shade McVay: Treadwell Pumphouse
Shade McVay: Autumn morning at the Glacier
Shade McVay: Company picnic view
Shade McVay: 20 foot tall icecube
Shade McVay: Downtown
Shade McVay: 2AM over the Glacier
Shade McVay: Glacial Ice