Gaz 1984: The Needles, Isle of Wight
Gaz 1984: Coastal Erosion
Gaz 1984: The Needles, Isle of Wight
Gaz 1984: Coastal Erosion
Gaz 1984: Splashing against the rock
Gaz 1984: Beach & cliffs
Gaz 1984: Alum Bay beach
Gaz 1984: Alum Bay
Gaz 1984: Chair lift at Alum Bay
Gaz 1984: Compton Bay
Gaz 1984: Rocks at Compton Beach
Gaz 1984: Sea & rocks at Compton Bay
Gaz 1984: Evidence of coast erosion at Compton Bay
Gaz 1984: Nice chair!
Gaz 1984: Fence post?
Gaz 1984: Compton Bay
Gaz 1984: Crow
Gaz 1984: Evidence of coast erosion at Compton Bay
Gaz 1984: Compton Beach
Gaz 1984: The long and winding road
Gaz 1984: Coast erosion at Compton Bay
Gaz 1984: Compton Bay
Gaz 1984: Brook Bay