Sh0rty: Sunrise
Sh0rty: The Trees, Out Back
Sh0rty: Sheep
Sh0rty: Pastel Sky (and sheep)
Sh0rty: Lining Up
Sh0rty: Stone Mushrooms
Sh0rty: On the Warpath
Sh0rty: Tractor and Log Splitter
Sh0rty: The View, Out Front
Sh0rty: On the Run
Sh0rty: Footprints in the Snow
Sh0rty: Footprints in the Snow
Sh0rty: Wind Blowing the Snow
Sh0rty: Buried Fence
Sh0rty: Snowdrift and Trees
Sh0rty: Footprints in the Snow
Sh0rty: Fence and Trees
Sh0rty: Bare Trees, Blue Sky, Snow
Sh0rty: Frosted Found Feather
Sh0rty: Treeline Sunshine
Sh0rty: Treeline on the Hill
Sh0rty: Footprints in the Snow
Sh0rty: Buried Gate
Sh0rty: Buried Gate
Sh0rty: Tractor
Sh0rty: The Bulls, at the Feeder
Sh0rty: The Garden Wall
Sh0rty: The Garden Wall
Sh0rty: Peekaboo
Sh0rty: Bully