Sh0rty: Montrose
Sh0rty: Calves
Sh0rty: Blossom
Sh0rty: Bulls & Tup
Sh0rty: Rubble
Sh0rty: Ploughing
Sh0rty: View to the far hills
Sh0rty: Field + Treeline
Sh0rty: Field + Treeline
Sh0rty: Hills
Sh0rty: Fields + Treeline
Sh0rty: Triplets Field
Sh0rty: Track + Hills
Sh0rty: Track + Treeline
Sh0rty: Cattle on the hill
Sh0rty: Plough + Hills
Sh0rty: Green Bottle + Stone Wall
Sh0rty: Delapidated Stone Wall
Sh0rty: Desolate Trees
Sh0rty: Desolate Trees
Sh0rty: Desolate Trees
Sh0rty: Desolate Trees
Sh0rty: Desolate Tree Branches in Silhouette
Sh0rty: Desolate Trees
Sh0rty: Lichen Covered Tree Trunks
Sh0rty: Lichen Tree Trunk/Branches
Sh0rty: Back Hill
Sh0rty: Desolate Trees
Sh0rty: Desolate Tree Trunks
Sh0rty: The Burn