sgwarnog2010: Small Tortoiseshell - First Butterfly of 2014
sgwarnog2010: Mottled Grey (Colostygia multistrigaria)
sgwarnog2010: Comma (Polygonia c-album) - First of 2014
sgwarnog2010: Ruby Tiger (Phragmatobia fuliginosa) - Caterpillar
sgwarnog2010: First Peacock of 2014
sgwarnog2010: Tombstone Peacock
sgwarnog2010: Comma (Polygonia c-album) , Hallcliffe Community Garden, Baildon
sgwarnog2010: Small Tortoiseshell Pair, Bradford Beck Meadow, Shipley
sgwarnog2010: Small Phoenix (Ecliptopera silaceata)
sgwarnog2010: Small White (Pieris rapae)
sgwarnog2010: Micro Moth
sgwarnog2010: Bilberry Roller (Ancylis myrtillana)
sgwarnog2010: Longhorn Moth (Adela)
sgwarnog2010: Feathered Bright (Incurvaria masculella), Baildon Moor
sgwarnog2010: Common Blue, St. Bees
sgwarnog2010: Large Skipper, Lancaster University
sgwarnog2010: Small Dusty Wave (Idaea seriata)
sgwarnog2010: Mother Shipton (Callistege mi), Baildon Moor
sgwarnog2010: Small Copper Butterfly, Pals Memorial, Bradford
sgwarnog2010: Marbled White, Shipley
sgwarnog2010: Red-barred Tortrix (Ditula angustiorana)
sgwarnog2010: Map-winged Swift (Hepialus fusconebulosa)
sgwarnog2010: Green-veined White, Baildon Moor
sgwarnog2010: Gatekeeper, Baildon Moor
sgwarnog2010: Ringlet, Baildon Moor
sgwarnog2010: Painted Lady, Baildon Moor
sgwarnog2010: Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria)
sgwarnog2010: Large White (Pieris brassicae)
sgwarnog2010: Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
sgwarnog2010: Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)