sgwarnog2010: Paul Nash Blue Plaque, Bidborough Street, London
sgwarnog2010: Rowland Hill Plaque, Cartwright Gardens, London
sgwarnog2010: Percy Shelley & Mary Shelley Blue Plaque, Marchmont Street, London
sgwarnog2010: Sir William Empson Blue Plaque, London
sgwarnog2010: Emlyn Williams Blue Plaque, London
sgwarnog2010: Kenneth Williams Blue Plaque, 57 Marchmont Street, London
sgwarnog2010: John Skinner Prout Blue Plaque, 43 Marchmont Street, London
sgwarnog2010: William Henry Hunt Blue Plaque, 41 Marchmont Street, London
sgwarnog2010: Charles Fort Plaque, 39A Marchmont Street, London
sgwarnog2010: Sir Thomas Lawrence Plaque, 156 Southampton Row, London
sgwarnog2010: Lord Denman Plaque, 50/51 Russell Square, London
sgwarnog2010: John Nash Blue Plaque, Great Russell Street, London
sgwarnog2010: Thomas Henry Wyatt Blue Plaque, Great Russell Street, London
sgwarnog2010: Sr Robert Willan Blue Plaque, Bloomsbury Square, London
sgwarnog2010: John Howard Blue Plaque, Great Ormond Street, London
sgwarnog2010: The Ship Tavern Plaque, Holborn, London
sgwarnog2010: Thomas Chatterton Blue Plaque
sgwarnog2010: Furnival's Inn Blue Plaque
sgwarnog2010: Sir Christopher Hatton Plaque, Leather Lane, Farringdon, London
sgwarnog2010: William Felton's Carriageworks, Heritage Plaque, London
sgwarnog2010: Robert W. Paul Blue Plaque, 44 Hatton Garden, London.
sgwarnog2010: St. Andrew's, Holborn
sgwarnog2010: St. Andrew's, Holborn, Heritage Plaque
sgwarnog2010: Zeppelin Building Plaque, Farringdon Road, London
sgwarnog2010: Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Morris and Edward Burne Jones Lived Here
sgwarnog2010: St James's Church, Clerkenwell, Plaque
sgwarnog2010: Clerks' Well Tablet, Clerkenwell
sgwarnog2010: Clerks' Well Blue Plaque, Clerkenwell
sgwarnog2010: St. Peter's Italian Church, London - Plaque
sgwarnog2010: St. Peter's Italian Church, Clerkenwell Road, London