Sgt Garcia F: Statue of Liberty
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Lego Rockefeller Center
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Lego Rockefeller Center
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Lego Rockefeller Center
Sgt Garcia F: New York - View From The Top of the Empire State Building
Sgt Garcia F: New York - View from the top of the Empire State Building
Sgt Garcia F: New York - West and Liberty Streets
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Mémorial du World Trade Center
Sgt Garcia F: New York Stock Exchange
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Brooklyn Bridge
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Brooklyn Bridge
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Times Square
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Times Square
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Times Square
Sgt Garcia F: New York - View of Long Island City
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Midtown Skyport
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Williamsburg Bridge
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Williamsburg Bridge
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridge
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Manhattan Bridge
Sgt Garcia F: New York - 2nd Avenue / East 42nd Street
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Columbus Circle
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Columbus Circle
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Columbus Circle
Sgt Garcia F: New York - East 43rd Street / Madison Avenue
Sgt Garcia F: New York - East River Bikeway / Wall Street
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Williamsburg Bridge
Sgt Garcia F: New York - W 64th St / Broadway
Sgt Garcia F: New York - W 64th St / Broadway
Sgt Garcia F: New York - Columbus Circle