sgt fun: cathedral ceiling, uppsala
sgt fun: the drought breaks
sgt fun: it burns.
sgt fun: parked
sgt fun: over the midwest
sgt fun: i got the best ham and cheese here
sgt fun: nautical style
sgt fun: sculpture in the window
sgt fun: a bit of spain in the west village
sgt fun: viking ship museum, roskilde
sgt fun: starting to rust
sgt fun: boarded up
sgt fun: cornelia street
sgt fun: viking ship museum, roskilde, denmark
sgt fun: wall near christiana, copenhagen
sgt fun: everything has beautiful curves and design
sgt fun: pez for rich people
sgt fun: bar in encinitas, california
sgt fun: disabled
sgt fun: around greenwich street
sgt fun: hardware
sgt fun: one out of six
sgt fun: a slice of miami in brooklyn
sgt fun: sixth avenue nyc public library
sgt fun: beach house
sgt fun: abandoned warehouse on west street, greenpoint
sgt fun: perry street vines
sgt fun: manhattan avenue reflection
sgt fun: owl eyes, nyc public library
sgt fun: primary colors