sgt fun: farm and stormy sky
sgt fun: road to josie's farm
sgt fun: they don't call it corn fest for nothin'
sgt fun: sweet corn was a must
sgt fun: welcome to corn fest
sgt fun: waiting for the cow to take a shit
sgt fun: wrangler pinstripe pants with hearts... $10. possibly the coolest pants in the world.
sgt fun: the crowd waits for it
sgt fun: survivor
sgt fun: "we're happy to be here in dekalb."
sgt fun: making the case that all rock stars should die at 27
sgt fun: we had sweet cruisers to ride to our 2 a.m. destination...
sgt fun: ... which was a pool!
sgt fun: nightswimming
sgt fun: very first thing in this one-whores town i run into someone i know
sgt fun: he wants to sell you a tie-dye
sgt fun: nice red earrings
sgt fun: matt
sgt fun: dekalb
sgt fun: petting the horsey
sgt fun: outhouse
sgt fun: in the barn
sgt fun: we got to go through meghan's mom's auction haul
sgt fun: auction items: pin and choker
sgt fun: no you shouldn't wear matt's hat out
sgt fun: elvis whiskey bottle, still full
sgt fun: riding downtown to go out
sgt fun: cone at the corn fest