sgt fun: holding a tortoise in the kids area
sgt fun: cool frog, front view
sgt fun: suction cups
sgt fun: IMG_3829
sgt fun: corn snake i believe
sgt fun: he looks like a duck
sgt fun: close up on spotty turtle
sgt fun: he's smiling because he's "doing it"
sgt fun: IMG_3825
sgt fun: he sortof looked dead
sgt fun: they had the herps
sgt fun: he kept trying to get out of his cage
sgt fun: big snake
sgt fun: he's watching you
sgt fun: irridescent
sgt fun: aquatic turtle
sgt fun: gate takes some pics
sgt fun: IMG_3806
sgt fun: spiny
sgt fun: we got to hold like 5 or 6 different snakes
sgt fun: the alligator man
sgt fun: he looks happy
sgt fun: woo, more snakes
sgt fun: iguana
sgt fun: gigantor