sgroi: The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas on 2009-07-19-2009
sgroi: Koi (fish)
sgroi: Riverwalk Mall on the San Antonio River
sgroi: Falls on the San Antonio River
sgroi: Riverwalk Mall on the San Antonio River
sgroi: Canon at The Alamo
sgroi: The Alamo Courtyard with San Antonio court house in background
sgroi: Alamo courtyard with San Antonio courthouse in background
sgroi: P1040715
sgroi: Canon
sgroi: P1040717
sgroi: P1040718
sgroi: P1040719
sgroi: Alamo museum display
sgroi: P1040721
sgroi: P1040722
sgroi: P1040723
sgroi: P1040724
sgroi: P1040725
sgroi: P1040726
sgroi: P1040727
sgroi: Koi
sgroi: Koi fish
sgroi: P1040730
sgroi: P1040731
sgroi: P1040732
sgroi: P1040733
sgroi: Bowie Knife in Almano Gift Shop (I later saw the sign asking that photos NOT be taken - Ooops!)
sgroi: Commerative Bowie Knife in Almano Gift Shop (I later saw the sign asking that photos NOT be taken - Ooops!)
sgroi: The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas U.S.A.