Stan Parry:
Amiens Cathedral Nave and Choir (13C)
Stan Parry:
Amiens Cathedral South Transept Rose Window Exterior (13C)
Stan Parry:
Amiens Cathedral (13C)
Stan Parry:
Amiens Cathedral North Rose Window (13C)
Stan Parry:
Amiens Cathedral Chevet (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral from the Bishop's Garden (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral South Flank Buttresses
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral South Flank Buttresses (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral South Flank Buttresses (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral from the Bishop's Garden (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral West Facade Central Portal of The Last Judgement (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral Chevet (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral Flying Buttressses (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral North Inner Aisle (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral Nave and Choir (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral Nave and Choir (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral Vaults (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral Nave Vaults and Rose Window (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral Nave and Choir (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral Choir Clerestory Windows (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral Last Judgement (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral, Christ of The Last Judgment (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral Last Judgement Dead Resurrected (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral Nave Arcade (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral Choir (13C)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral, The Annunciation Window (1148-50)
Stan Parry:
Bourges Cathedral West Rose Window (14 &15C)
Stan Parry:
Chartres Cathedral from the Southeast (12 & 13C)
Stan Parry:
Chartres Cathedral Nave and Choir (13C)
Stan Parry:
Chartres Cathedral Choir (13C)