Stan Parry:
Troyes, Church of the Magdalen, The Ascension of the Magdalen
Stan Parry:
Troyes, Church of the Magdalen, The Master of Chaource, Saint-Martha
Stan Parry:
Troyes, Church of the Magdalen, The Choir
Stan Parry:
Troyes, Church of the Magdalen, The Passion
Stan Parry:
Troyes, Church of the Magdalen, The Magdalen Window
Stan Parry:
Troyes, Church of the Magdalen, The Creation
Stan Parry:
Troyes, Church of the Magdalen, Jesse Sleeping
Stan Parry:
Troyes, Church of the Magdalen, Ecco Homo
Stan Parry:
Troyes Cathedral - Scenes from the Life of Peter
Stan Parry:
Troyes Cathedral Story of Job.jpg