Stan Parry:
Normandy, Eu Eglise Notre-Dame and Saint-Lawrence Nave and Organ
Stan Parry:
Normandy, Eu Eglise Notre-Dame and Saint-Lawrence South Aisle
Stan Parry:
Normandy, Eu Eglise Notre-Dame and Saint-Lawrence Nave Arcade
Stan Parry:
Normandy, Eu Eglise Notre-Dame and Saint-Lawrence Choir Aisle
Stan Parry:
Normandy, Eu Eglise Notre-Dame and Saint-Lawrence Nativity (15C)
Stan Parry:
Normandy, Eu Eglise Notre-Dame and Saint-Lawrence Nave and Choir
Stan Parry:
Normandy, Eu Eglise Notre-Dame and Saint-Lawrence Nave
Stan Parry:
Eu, Eglise Notre-Dame and Saint-Lawrence
Stan Parry:
Normandy, Eu Eglise Notre-Dame and Saint-Lawrence - Virgin and Child