Stan Parry: Nogent-le-Roi Rose Window
Stan Parry: Nogent-le-Roi - The Nave, Crossing and Choir
Stan Parry: Nogent-le-Roi - The Crucifixion (16C)
Stan Parry: Nogent-le-Roi - The Crucifixion (16C)
Stan Parry: Nogent-le-Roi - The Mocking of Christ (16C)
Stan Parry: Nogent-le-Roi - Noli Me Tangere (16C)
Stan Parry: Nogent-le-Roi Choir and Ambulatory
Stan Parry: Nogent-le-Roi, The Life of the Virgin (16C)
Stan Parry: Nogent-le-Roi, Composite Window
Stan Parry: Nogent-le-Roi, The Magdalen Window
Stan Parry: Nogent-leRoi, The Magdalen Window - The Count of Provence and His Wife Embark
Stan Parry: Nogen-le-Roi, The Childhood and Life of Christ - Adoration of the Maji
Stan Parry: Nogen-le-Roi, The Childhood and Life of Christ
Stan Parry: Nogent-le-Roi Composite Window
Stan Parry: Nogent-le-Roi Crucifixion Windows