Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral from the Bishop's Garden
Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral The Chevet
Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral Nave & Choir
Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral Choir
Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral Nave Arcade
Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral Nave Vaults and West Rose Window
Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral Ambulatory Windows
Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral Ambulatory Windows
Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral, John the Baptist Window
Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral - The Annunciation from the West Facade Window
Stan Parry: Chartres Cathedral West Facade
Stan Parry: Chartres Cathedral West Facade and Towers
Stan Parry: Chartres Cathedral South Rose Window
Stan Parry: Chartres Cathedral, The Blue Virgin Window
Stan Parry: Chartres Cathedral - The Story of Noah Window
Stan Parry: Chartres Cathedral - The Noah Window - The Ark
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral - Altar & Choir Elevation
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral - Clerestory Window - The Story of Joseph
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Clerestory Window - The Story of Joseph
Stan Parry: Troyes, Church of The Madeleine - The Story of Joseph - Joseph Dreaming
Stan Parry: Troyes, Saint-Urbain Basilica - Nave and Choir
Stan Parry: Reims - Saint-Remi Basilica - The Chevet Windows
Stan Parry: Reims - Saint-Remi Basilica - Nave & Choir
Stan Parry: Reims - Saint-Remi Basilica - Choir Vaults
Stan Parry: Metz Cathedral - West Rose Window
Stan Parry: Metz Cathedral - The Nave North Elevation & Choir
Stan Parry: Metz Cathedral - The Nave and West Rose Window
Stan Parry: Auxerre Cathedral - Rose & Lancet Windows
Stan Parry: Troyes, Saint-Urbain Basilica - Main Facade
Stan Parry: Vendome - La Trinite - The Chevet & Spires