Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Nave and Choir
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Nave & Choir
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Nave South Elevation & Choir
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Nave North Elevation
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Pulpit and Nave North Windows
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Pulpit and North Transept Windows
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Pulpit & Transept Windows
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Altar and Choir Arcade
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Altar and Choir Elevation
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Crossing and Nave Elevation
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Crossing and Nave Elevation
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Nave Clerestory and Triforium Windows
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Choir Elevation
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Choir
Stan Parry: Troyes - Church of the Madeleine Altar and Windows
Stan Parry: Troyes - Church of the Madeleine Altar and Windows
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Clerestory Window - The Story of Joseph
Stan Parry: Troyes - Church of the Madeleine, The Creation Window
Stan Parry: Troyes - Church of the Madeleine,The Legend of the True Cross
Stan Parry: Troyes - Church of the Madeleine, The Madeline Window
Stan Parry: Troyes, Church of The Madeleine - The Story of Joseph - Joseph Dreaming
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Clerestory Window - The Tree of Jesse - Jesse, David and Solomon
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral, The Prodigal Son Window - The Killing of the Fatted Calf
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral, The Prodigal Son Window - With Prostitutes
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Triforium Window - The Crucifixion
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral - Story of Joseph Triforium Window - Pharaoh's Dream
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Triforium Window - The Adoration of the Magi
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Triforium Window - Tobias and the Angel
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral Triforium Window - Isaiah, Moses, Gideon, Jeremiah with Donors
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral, The Mystical Winepress