Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral - The Jacques Coeur Window - The Annunciation
Stan Parry: Villemoiron-en-Othe - The Resurrection
Stan Parry: Rigney-le-Ferron - The Lamentation
Stan Parry: Rigney-le-Ferron - The Tree of Jesse Botttom Panels
Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral Window Saint-Agnes Window
Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral West Facade Rose Window
Stan Parry: Rigney-le-Ferron - The Tree of Jesse Botttom Panels
Stan Parry: Rigney-le-Ferron - The Virgin in Glory
Stan Parry: Rigney-le-Ferron - The Lamentation
Stan Parry: Rigney-le-Ferron - Saint-Martin Sharing his Cloak
Stan Parry: Rigny-le-Feron - Tree of Jesse Tympanum
Stan Parry: Rigny-le-Feron - Tree of Jesse Window
Stan Parry: Rigny-le-Feron - Saint-Crepinien Panels
Stan Parry: Les Riceys bas - Theft of the Host Window - Boiling the Host
Stan Parry: Les Riceys bas - Theft of the Host Window
Stan Parry: Les Riceys bas - Genesis Window - God Creating Fish, Fowl & Animals, Birth of Adam & Eve & Tempation
Stan Parry: Les Riceys bas - God Creating the Earth & Stars
Stan Parry: Les Riceys bas - Genesis Window - Tympanum
Stan Parry: Les Riceys bas - The Expulsion from Eden
Stan Parry: Les Riceys bas - Genesis Window
Stan Parry: Les Riceys bas - Genesis Window - Lamech Killing Abel
Stan Parry: Les Riceys bas - Genesis Window Caen & Abel
Stan Parry: Dienville - Crucifixion Window - Damaged
Stan Parry: Dienville - Nativity, Creation & Expulsion Window
Stan Parry: Creney-pres-Troyes - Virgin & Child in Majesty
Stan Parry: Creney-pres-Troyes - The Circumcision & Presentation in the Temple
Stan Parry: Creney-pres-Troyes - Nativity Cycle
Stan Parry: Creney-pres-Troyes - Crucifixion of Saint-Peter
Stan Parry: Creney-pres-Troyes - The Life and Death of the Virgin Tympanum , The Assumption and Crowning of the Virgin (1520)
Stan Parry: Creney-pres-Troyes - The Life and Death of the Virgin (1520)