Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral West Facade Rose Window
Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral Jaques Coeur Window - The Annunciation
Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral Window Saint-Agnes Window
Stan Parry: Herbisse - Tree of Jesse Lancet Window
Stan Parry: Rigney-le-Ferron - Tree of Jesse
Stan Parry: Herbisse - Tree of Jesse (1512)
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral - Miracle of the Magic Wine Press - Recumbant Christ
Stan Parry: Villemoiron-en-Othe - Christ in LImbo
Stan Parry: Chavagnes - Grisalle Durer -The Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Stan Parry: L'Huitre - Christ in Limbo
Stan Parry: Beauvais - Saint Etienne - The Damned
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral - Altar & Choir North Elevation
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral - Choir South Clerestory Windows
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral - Story of Joseph - Pharoh's Dream
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral - Miracle of the Mystic Wine Press
Stan Parry: Troyes Cathedral - Eve Tempting Adam with the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge
Stan Parry: Herbisse - Last Supper
Stan Parry: Mesnil la Comptesse - Nolo Me Tangere - Christ & The Madeleine
Stan Parry: Troyes - Cathedral - Choir Elevation from Ambulatory
Stan Parry: Troyes - Cathedral - Nave Clerestory Window North Side
Stan Parry: Troyes - Cathedral - Nave Elevation
Stan Parry: Reims Cathedral West Rose Window
Stan Parry: Bourges Cathedral Chapel Windows at Night
Stan Parry: Saint-Quentin Basilica - Greater South-side Transept Elevation
Stan Parry: Saint-Quentin Modern Window
Stan Parry: Saint-Quentin - Saint-Catherine of Alexandria
Stan Parry: Saint-Quentin Saint-Barbara Window
Stan Parry: Saint-Quentin Saint-Barbara Window
Stan Parry: Saint-Quentin - Saint Catherine Window
Stan Parry: Saint-Quentin - Martyrdom of Saint-Barbara Window (1533)