Low Cost Photography: Pantheon - Rome
Low Cost Photography: Chiesa - Roma
Low Cost Photography: Piazza della Minerva - Roma
Low Cost Photography: Rome, going to Ponte Rotto
Low Cost Photography: Out of (known) bounds...
Low Cost Photography: Tiber Island (Boat shaped)
Low Cost Photography: Altare della Patria - veduta
Low Cost Photography: Altare della Patria - dettaglio
Low Cost Photography: Colosseo - impressione
Low Cost Photography: Colosseo - scorcio
Low Cost Photography: Sant'Agnese in Agone
Low Cost Photography: Santa Sabina
Low Cost Photography: Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana
Low Cost Photography: Piazza Navona -Fountain detail
Low Cost Photography: Altare della Patria
Low Cost Photography: Sorelle d'Italia
Low Cost Photography: Difesa Patriottica
Low Cost Photography: Piazza del Popolo (Walking)
Low Cost Photography: Stolen - Out of focus
Low Cost Photography: The Guardian
Low Cost Photography: Altare della Patria
Low Cost Photography: Like a dream of Giant
Low Cost Photography: Rome sight from Gianicolo
Low Cost Photography: Piazza Farnese
Low Cost Photography: Girl and dog