The Film School at Santa Fe University: Jordana & Richmond 2 DC Prod
The Film School at Santa Fe University: SettingUpTheShot-DC Nite Shoot
The Film School at Santa Fe University: Richmond Arquette as Jake Carter
The Film School at Santa Fe University: Rebekah & Jordana DC Prod
The Film School at Santa Fe University: Readying The Set - Stapleton
The Film School at Santa Fe University: Jordana Getting Prepped - Stapleton
The Film School at Santa Fe University: Jordana and Zoe discussing script
The Film School at Santa Fe University: Jordana & Richmond DC Prod
The Film School at Santa Fe University: Jake Carter Magazine Article DC Prod
The Film School at Santa Fe University: Dead Celebrity 1st Crew Meeting 1
The Film School at Santa Fe University: Andrew Gott EPK shooting
The Film School at Santa Fe University: What Is Shoot the Stars!™?