Jocie SF: Juliette - The Bowler with Skilz
Jocie SF: Brigid - The Birthday Bowler
Jocie SF: Karen - The Denied Bowler
Jocie SF: Happy
Jocie SF: George - The Power Bowler
Jocie SF: With her Cedar Waxwing
Jocie SF: Peter - The Conspiracy Theory Bowler
Jocie SF: Beer!!
Jocie SF: Grumpy
Jocie SF: That hurt
Jocie SF: Prize for most entertaining
Jocie SF: Go!!
Jocie SF: I am the WO-man!
Jocie SF: Erh?
Jocie SF: Contemplating scores
Jocie SF: Bleh
Jocie SF: Drinking Buddies
Jocie SF: 1st Round Scores
Jocie SF: Black Light
Jocie SF: 20070105_48
Jocie SF: Ghost bowler
Jocie SF: Juliette with cool lights
Jocie SF: George urging the ball not to go in the gutter
Jocie SF: Look at that form!