sfoskett: Gathering the WFD4 delegates
sfoskett: Scott, Chris, and Blake
sfoskett: Lee Badman
sfoskett: Stephen Foskett
sfoskett: Stephen Foskett
sfoskett: Blake Krone
sfoskett: In the Avatar lobby
sfoskett: Stephen's gift from home
sfoskett: Lego WFD delegates
sfoskett: Lego Jennifer, Lego Stephen, and Lego Chris
sfoskett: Delegate welcome lunch
sfoskett: Lego delegates under construction
sfoskett: Stephen addresses the WFD4 delegates
sfoskett: WFD4 delegates
sfoskett: Tea time with Mark Julier
sfoskett: Hometown gifts
sfoskett: Selecting the next Fluke AirCheck holder
sfoskett: The winner is...
sfoskett: Scott gets the AirCheck!
sfoskett: Polar bear Parsons!
sfoskett: Lee Badman
sfoskett: Chris Lyttle
sfoskett: Blake's motto
sfoskett: Quiet Jennifer
sfoskett: Tim Tam time!
sfoskett: Ready to roll
sfoskett: Building Lego avatars