sfllaw: Dinner on the train
sfllaw: Rain in the headlights
sfllaw: AGO renovations
sfllaw: Dressed up
sfllaw: Dee winking
sfllaw: Winking
sfllaw: Bubble tea
sfllaw: Yellow cups
sfllaw: Open air food
sfllaw: Orange juice
sfllaw: お握り
sfllaw: Ice cream
sfllaw: Hipster girl
sfllaw: Scenester girl
sfllaw: Backyard sculptures
sfllaw: John
sfllaw: Dinner feast
sfllaw: Warming paws
sfllaw: Lunch
sfllaw: Lunch
sfllaw: Lunch
sfllaw: Lunch
sfllaw: Thermos tea
sfllaw: Sushi
sfllaw: Sushi
sfllaw: Sushi
sfllaw: Sushi
sfllaw: Dessert
sfllaw: Flora and Mel
sfllaw: Laughing