SOFennell: Oriba_Noren1
SOFennell: table runner detail
SOFennell: linen table runner
SOFennell: Fuyu
SOFennell: OribaShibori-0504
SOFennell: OribaShibori-UrokuFuro1B
SOFennell: 秋・あき・Aki
SOFennell: Swatches1
SOFennell: Moon & geese
SOFennell: landscape study
SOFennell: OribaShibori_5584_13A
SOFennell: Cho-hana-det1
SOFennell: Snowflakes&Sunshine
SOFennell: from triangles to circles
SOFennell: Practice
SOFennell: Squares & Circles
SOFennell: Furoshiki
SOFennell: Usagi to Tsuki/兎と月
SOFennell: Rabbit & Moon
SOFennell: 山・やま・Yama - detail
SOFennell: 「三匹の 兎」 - 3 Hares
SOFennell: Porch banners 2
SOFennell: Porch banners 1
SOFennell: Rowland and Chinami Ricketts
SOFennell: Intro. to Indigo
SOFennell: some results
SOFennell: Rowland's Nobori
SOFennell: 夏祭-Natsu Matsuri
SOFennell: resist/resistance 2
SOFennell: resist/resistance 3