sfbike: 07119 Very kind Hank helps with the sign
sfbike: 07121 SF Proposed Bike Route Network map help members prepare what to say
sfbike: 07123 Neal with 2500+ signatures in support of bike plan from Bike to Work Day
sfbike: 07124 Martin's center stand kickstand makes valet bike parking easy
sfbike: 07127 Brian signs in
sfbike: 07129 Marty wants to double the number of bike lanes
sfbike: 07130 Marty wants to double the number of bike lanes on the map
sfbike: 07131 Cheryl signs in with hair neatly pulled back
sfbike: 07132 Thomas with colorful striped shirt
sfbike: 07133 Rhonda, Joel, and Hank sign in
sfbike: 07134 Sign in table can take four people at once
sfbike: 07136 Neal and Marc check speaker cards against those who RSVPed
sfbike: 07137 Sign in was quick, but matching names and projects took slightly longer
sfbike: 07138 Steve arrives with son in tow
sfbike: 07139 Son waits for dad to check in
sfbike: 07140 Kate and JP in front of City Hall
sfbike: 07141 Chris signs in for Decision Day
sfbike: 07143 Kati reads carefully before signing
sfbike: 07144 Chris and Kati sign in for Bike Plan 2009 Decision Day
sfbike: 07145 Marc and Hank prepare their notes
sfbike: 07146 Kit consults with members on their talking points
sfbike: 07147 Erin and Brooke discuss talking points
sfbike: 07149 JP prepares his public comments
sfbike: 07150 Neal walks the front of the line while Shirley and George catch up on Caltrain matters
sfbike: 07153 Andy is impressed with Scott's pink dots
sfbike: 07154 We're all business -- double the number of bike lanes
sfbike: 07156 Jodie asks if members have a bike plan project of interest
sfbike: 07157 Marc receives a speaker card
sfbike: 07158 It's a little early to be at City Hall for all of us
sfbike: 07159 Marc and Jodie get on the same page before checking in Greg