sfbike: 06018 Many thanks to Sports Basement for letting us use their Grotto space
sfbike: 06019 Mass of humanity for BTWD Bag Stuffing Party
sfbike: 06020 Scene from area where bags were boxed
sfbike: 06021 Cheese and crackers
sfbike: 06023 Sign-in area in the front of Sports Basement Grotto
sfbike: 06024 Line of materials down each side of table
sfbike: 06026 Metromint water left over from Golden Wheel Awards the previous night
sfbike: 06027 It's In The Bag! while Tessa orders pizza
sfbike: 06029 Meri collates a set for Mark to stuff
sfbike: 06030 Boxes labeled for Office Pick-Up
sfbike: 06034 Kati counts 35 bags in this box
sfbike: 06036 Kati shows It's In The Bag!
sfbike: 06037 Guidance to volunteers of what's in the bag!
sfbike: 06038 Constance reaches for a Bicycle Guide
sfbike: 06039 Couch served as bag staging area before boxing
sfbike: 06041 Matt is also our Chinese Community Outreach Intern
sfbike: 06042 Chinatown PM energizer station gets 150 bags, unsealed box 4 of 4
sfbike: 06045 Chinatown PM energizer station gets 150 bags, sealed box 1 of 4
sfbike: 06048 Collated set of materials ready to be stuffed
sfbike: 06050 Guidance to volunteers of what's in the bag!
sfbike: 06051 Green boxes for the Southwest, Orange boxes for the Northwest
sfbike: 06052 Lisa uses packing tape as fashion accessory
sfbike: 06053 Kate calls for everyone's attention
sfbike: 06055 Marc could do this in his sleep
sfbike: 06057 Shu labels a box for the Southwest
sfbike: 06060 Blue boxes for the Financial District
sfbike: 06061 Pink for Central, Yellow for Outside Lands, and Orange for Northwest
sfbike: 06063 Dearest Rhonda is weary
sfbike: 06064 Rhonda sees more boxes in her future
sfbike: 06067 Sports Basement sign announcing BTWD Bag Stuffing Party