Eaton Conference:
Culver Center
Eaton Conference:
Opening remarks from Dean Cullenberg
Eaton Conference:
Dean Cullenberg
Eaton Conference:
Dean Cullenberg
Eaton Conference:
Keynote address: Mike Davis
Eaton Conference:
Latham, Hopkinson, Yamashita, Csicsery-Ronay, Miéville
Eaton Conference:
Panel Discussion: "What is Global Science Fiction?"
Eaton Conference:
Latham, Hopkinson, Yamashita, Csicsery-Ronay, Miéville
Eaton Conference:
Nalo Hopkinson
Eaton Conference:
Karen Tei Yamashita
Eaton Conference:
Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.
Eaton Conference:
Panel Discussion: "What is Global Science Fiction?"
Eaton Conference:
Panel Discussion: "What is Global Science Fiction?"
Eaton Conference:
China Miéville
Eaton Conference:
Sheila Finch and Howard Hendrix announce the winners of the Student Short Story Competition
Eaton Conference:
Sheila Finch and Howard Hendrix announce the winners of the Student Short Story Competition
Eaton Conference:
Leonid Leonov, Second Place
Eaton Conference:
Mark Biswas - Honorable Mention
Eaton Conference:
Rob Latham announces the Mullen Scholar
Eaton Conference:
2011 Mullen Scholar Gerry Canavan
Eaton Conference:
Terry Harpold announces a translation award...
Eaton Conference:
which stirs a discussion
Eaton Conference:
Carl Freedaman accepts 2010 Eaton Lifetime award
Eaton Conference:
Carl Freedaman accepts 2010 Eaton Lifetime award on behalf of Samuel R. Delany
Eaton Conference:
Ruth Jackson announces the 2011 Eaton Lifetime Award
Eaton Conference:
for Harlan Ellison, accepted by
Eaton Conference:
Steve Barber accepts award on Harlan Ellison’s Behalf
Eaton Conference:
Steve Barber and University Librarian Dr. Ruth Jackson
Eaton Conference:
Steve Barber
Eaton Conference:
Melissa Conway closes the Conference