Lily Zhu: Kelly, mom's cat
Lily Zhu: Deeply Asleep
Lily Zhu: "I Love Monkey's Tail"
Lily Zhu: "Hey, I Wanna be in the Frame too"
Lily Zhu: Oscar
Lily Zhu: Oscar
Lily Zhu: Can Somebody Let me In, Please?
Lily Zhu: Zoned Out
Lily Zhu: Monkey
Lily Zhu: Gong Fu
Lily Zhu: Monkey & Oscar
Lily Zhu: Oscar
Lily Zhu: Oscar
Lily Zhu: Oscar's Red Nose
Lily Zhu: "Don't Leave Me"
Lily Zhu: A Sniff
Lily Zhu: Looking in the Mirror
Lily Zhu: Silhouette
Lily Zhu: Monkey Napping on the Printer
Lily Zhu: Sniff
Lily Zhu: Oscar is Out!
Lily Zhu: Oscar, the Star
Lily Zhu: Monkey
Lily Zhu: Kitty Bokeh
Lily Zhu: It Takes a lot of Courage for Monkey to Go Outside.
Lily Zhu: The World through Our Eyes
Lily Zhu: Oscar
Lily Zhu: Oscar in the Snow
Lily Zhu: Run, bird, run!
Lily Zhu: I see Me!