Fro5: Benches at South Building UNC-CH
Fro5: South Building UNC-CH
Fro5: Wilson Library UNC_CH
Fro5: Old Well UNC-CH
Fro5: Old Well UNC-CH
Fro5: Water fountain at the Old Well.
Fro5: Sarah sneaks into my shot.
Fro5: The Old Well UNC-CH
Fro5: Sarah
Fro5: Vanessa and Sarah
Fro5: tree
Fro5: bench
Fro5: Let it snow let it snow let it snow.
Fro5: Vanessa and Sarah
Fro5: Wind gusts through the trees
Fro5: Strong wind gusts blew snow clouds through the trees.
Fro5: Campus shot near UNC_CH School of Music
Fro5: Rear view of Silent Sam.
Fro5: E. Franklin St. Chapel Hill, NC
Fro5: Silent Sam UNC-CH
Fro5: Silent Sam Confederate Memorial UNC-Ch
Fro5: Mr. Snow Cat in front of Old East Dormitory
Fro5: Mr. Snow Cat and Sarah
Fro5: Vanessa, Mr. Snow Cat and Sarah
Fro5: Mr. Snow Cat and Me UNC-CH
Fro5: Near the Old Well UNC-CH
Fro5: Forest Theatre UNC-Ch
Fro5: View from stage Forest Theatre UNC-CH
Fro5: Onstage Forest Theatre UNC-CH
Fro5: Forest Theatre UNC-CH