John Sexton: Springer Mountain plaque
John Sexton: the wild man
John Sexton: the group in front of waterfall
John Sexton: old growth forest everywhere
John Sexton: log book location on the summit
John Sexton: rocky ascent
John Sexton: breakfast
John Sexton: me at the waterfall
John Sexton: waterfall
John Sexton: sign says
John Sexton: 14 miles of access trail mudding in the Audi
John Sexton: hikers in the mist
John Sexton: me at the summit of Springer Mountain
John Sexton: IMG_0977
John Sexton: AT log book entry
John Sexton: the crew on the summit
John Sexton: trekking up the mountain
John Sexton: packs at the signpost
John Sexton: Slumberjack Trail Tent 2
John Sexton: ground tarp