SEVRA621: Fentress BBX up 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress big daddy ready 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress bubba up 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress devildog j460t close up 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress devildog J460T 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress drag race 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress eric with nike nuke on G33J 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress eric's bbvb on a G64W 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress eric's mid powers 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress eric's BBX on an H165R 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress fin damage on BBX 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress how I got most shots 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress jack loading up 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress jack's up 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress Jack's mustang ready 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress lift off 1
SEVRA621: Fentress lift off 2
SEVRA621: Fentress lift off 3
SEVRA621: Fentress mustang up on a G64W 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress Randy's Shag 1 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress rocket ready to go 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress scott brown bubba on F40T 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress scott's gyroc 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress second rocket 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress second rockt up 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress watching their rocket 12-04-04
SEVRA621: Fentress Shag 1 up 12-04-04