Herbert Harper:
Who ever said vanilla means boring?
Herbert Harper:
Vanilla cake for 3 year old boy's birthday.
Herbert Harper:
Bridesmaids cakes
Herbert Harper:
Herbert Harper:
Herbert Harper:
Herbert Harper:
Vanilla doesn't have to mean boring
Herbert Harper:
Lime in the coconut cake
Herbert Harper:
Kicking those winter blues with cake!
Herbert Harper:
A splash of color
Herbert Harper:
the place my heart rests
Herbert Harper:
Raspberry Vanilla cake at Sweet Pea Bakery
Herbert Harper:
Vanilla Cake
Herbert Harper:
Lemon cake with raspberry coulis topping and lemon Italian buttercream.
Herbert Harper:
A southern tradition for the northern Rockies
Herbert Harper:
Child's birthday cake
Herbert Harper:
We're fighting for spring!
Herbert Harper:
Herbert Harper:
Mini Vanilla Cake