Seth Shaw: Octavo_88.6_spread5
Seth Shaw: Octavo_88.6_spread4
Seth Shaw: Somewhere over the Southwest
Seth Shaw: upload
Seth Shaw: Palace of the Fine Arts, SF
Seth Shaw: Octavo 90.7
Seth Shaw: Serious BBQ action at 11 in the morning.
Seth Shaw: Guitar Wolf w/ The Coathangers
Seth Shaw: Ocatvo_87.4_cover
Seth Shaw: Bill Callahan w/ Mick Turner
Seth Shaw: upload
Seth Shaw: The Flaming Lips w/ Tame Impala, White Denim
Seth Shaw: Go-go-gadget Terrible Towel!
Seth Shaw: A. holding M.
Seth Shaw: Sleepy Sun w/ Light Fantastic, Dylan Shearer
Seth Shaw: Ty Segall (performing Sleeper) w/ Mike Donovan, Jessica Pratt, David Novick
Seth Shaw: Octavo_88.6_cover
Seth Shaw: Feral Ohms (pic) and Pins of Light. Record release show for their Valley King singles.