sethnell2: P1230952
sethnell2: P1230933
sethnell2: P1230754
sethnell2: Hawley Bog July 20,, 2012 013
sethnell2: Hawley Bog July 20,, 2012 031-1
sethnell2: June 2010 kayaking Bog Pond, Savoy 080
sethnell2: October Mountain 060
sethnell2: October Mountain 015
sethnell2: rose twisted stalk (streptopus roseus)
sethnell2: Berry Mt. Pitts State Forest 037
sethnell2: rose twisted stalk, (streptopus roseus) Berry Mt. Pitts State Forest 030
sethnell2: Greylockt 141
sethnell2: Greylockt 134
sethnell2: Fringed Gentian
sethnell2: bloodroot
sethnell2: Large Flowered Bellwort
sethnell2: Dutchman's Breeches
sethnell2: Lenox Mt .yellow ladies slippers
sethnell2: wood bettony, Lenox Mt. Lenox, MA
sethnell2: Lenox Mt. ladies slippers et al 016
sethnell2: Rose Pogonia at Bog Pond
sethnell2: Hepatica Against a Spring Sky
sethnell2: Trailing Arbutus (Mayflower)
sethnell2: Trailing Arbutus (Mayflower)
sethnell2: Painted Trillium
sethnell2: Goldthread with Shadow
sethnell2: Columbine
sethnell2: Azaleas with Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
sethnell2: Azaleas with Tiger Swallowtail 2
sethnell2: Ragged Robin and Buttercups