Seth Dillingham: Andrew Ellison
Seth Dillingham: Eric Ellison
Seth Dillingham: Tamar Ellison
Seth Dillingham: Bill and Leah
Seth Dillingham: Bill and Leah
Seth Dillingham: Bill and Leah
Seth Dillingham: Bill and Leah
Seth Dillingham: Wedding Ceremony
Seth Dillingham: Wedding Ceremony
Seth Dillingham: Wedding Ceremony
Seth Dillingham: Wedding Ceremony
Seth Dillingham: Wedding Ceremony
Seth Dillingham: Wedding Ceremony
Seth Dillingham: Wedding Ceremony
Seth Dillingham: Mister and Missus
Seth Dillingham: Mandi (and Ben)
Seth Dillingham: Mandi and Ben
Seth Dillingham: Opa and Lauren
Seth Dillingham: Opa and Lauren
Seth Dillingham: Lauren and Opa
Seth Dillingham: Alli, Lauren and Me
Seth Dillingham: Funny Nonny
Seth Dillingham: Bonnie and Lauren
Seth Dillingham: AJ & Leah Hold Lauren
Seth Dillingham: Willimantic Frogs