Seth and Alexa: My Marshmallow Cats
Seth and Alexa: Cats Nomming on Dim Sum
Seth and Alexa: Hosting Cupcake Tea!
Seth and Alexa: Adaptive Pathers' Creations
Seth and Alexa: Dim Sum Cupcakes
Seth and Alexa: Pork Buns or Marshmallow?
Seth and Alexa: Ginger and Fatty Tuna Cupcakes
Seth and Alexa: Wasabi and Salmon Cupcakes
Seth and Alexa: Nigiri Cupcakes
Seth and Alexa: Sushi Bar
Seth and Alexa: All My Sushi Cupcakes
Seth and Alexa: Cupcake Sushi Chef
Seth and Alexa: Cupcake Camp for Sam's Friends
Seth and Alexa: Cupcake Camp for Sam's Friends
Seth and Alexa: Making a Mess, Mom Cleaning
Seth and Alexa: Unfortunately Messy Fish Eggs
Seth and Alexa: Is it the Tuna or the Starbursts she doesn't want?
Seth and Alexa: Fatty Tuna, or Red Starbursts and Marshmallow Marbling
Seth and Alexa: Cupcakes for Kate, Adaptive Path's Sticky Note NInja!
Seth and Alexa: owl cupcakes, now with more artificial color!
Seth and Alexa: Adaptive Path devoured all of these
Seth and Alexa: Sticky Note Cupcakes
Seth and Alexa: Spaghetti & Meatballs Cupcakes for CupcakeCamp2
Seth and Alexa: Or White Chocolate Strawberry w/Ferrero Rocher Meatballs, if you prefer
Seth and Alexa: Noodly Detail
Seth and Alexa: Meatball Goodness
Seth and Alexa: Better Lighting
Seth and Alexa: 100 types of cupcakes, 2000 cupcakes, 500 people... it was a cupcake orgy
Seth and Alexa: DSC_7841
Seth and Alexa: Planning my cupcake-eating schedule