Seth and Alexa: At Pittsburgh Aviary
Seth and Alexa: Harassing the world's biggest pigeon at the Aviary
Seth and Alexa: Best picture of me and dad ever!
Seth and Alexa: Penguin on Seth's Head
Seth and Alexa: Korean Pancakes in Pittsburgh!
Seth and Alexa: Me and Dad in the Strip District
Seth and Alexa: Swings at Freeport Park
Seth and Alexa: Only here for the Funnel Cakes!
Seth and Alexa: The Big One
Seth and Alexa: Pennsylvania Street Food!
Seth and Alexa: Fatty Tuna, or Red Starbursts and Marshmallow Marbling
Seth and Alexa: Is it the Tuna or the Starbursts she doesn't want?
Seth and Alexa: Unfortunately Messy Fish Eggs
Seth and Alexa: Making a Mess, Mom Cleaning
Seth and Alexa: Cupcake Camp for Sam's Friends
Seth and Alexa: Cupcake Camp for Sam's Friends
Seth and Alexa: Cupcake Sushi Chef
Seth and Alexa: All My Sushi Cupcakes
Seth and Alexa: Sushi Bar
Seth and Alexa: Nigiri Cupcakes
Seth and Alexa: Wasabi and Salmon Cupcakes
Seth and Alexa: Ginger and Fatty Tuna Cupcakes