Seth Coleman: Aurora prepares to officate
Seth Coleman: Eilish works on Kate's hair
Seth Coleman: preparations
Seth Coleman: preparations
Seth Coleman: Eilish works on Kate's eyes
Seth Coleman: looking
Seth Coleman: long time no see. Amber and Elias have a hug
Seth Coleman: Amber looks off camera
Seth Coleman: Let the ceremony begin
Seth Coleman: flower girl and ring bearer
Seth Coleman: flower girl and ring bearer
Seth Coleman: ring bearer gives the ring to aurora
Seth Coleman: Kate with mom and dad
Seth Coleman: at the alter
Seth Coleman: kate wipes a tear
Seth Coleman: reading vows
Seth Coleman: IMG_5469.jpg
Seth Coleman: IMG_5476.jpg
Seth Coleman: IMG_5487.jpg
Seth Coleman: IMG_5490.jpg
Seth Coleman: IMG_5505.jpg
Seth Coleman: IMG_5509.jpg
Seth Coleman: Ursula!
Seth Coleman: IMG_5536.jpg
Seth Coleman: IMG_5546.jpg
Seth Coleman: IMG_5548.jpg
Seth Coleman: jacob and amber
Seth Coleman: IMG_5563.jpg