Sesen Wingtips:
Jan 30, 2016
Sesen Wingtips:
Feb 7, 2016
Sesen Wingtips:
March 4, 2016
Sesen Wingtips:
404 D Street, Blumfield, SL
Sesen Wingtips:
102-104 C Street, Blumfield, SL
Sesen Wingtips:
Tudou's Queenstown
Sesen Wingtips:
303 & 305 D Street, Blumfield, SL
Sesen Wingtips:
sis Hana, cat Rainelle, Sesen
Sesen Wingtips:
honey, sesen
Sesen Wingtips:
Sesen Wingtips:
Sesen Wingtips:
aida, sesen, JJ, doll, tsu
Sesen Wingtips:
Sesen Wingtips:
Trying to take some nice pictures of my land, my house, my furniture. might resell them all one day and leave this place, who knows.
Sesen Wingtips:
yumi, blue, sesen, kamsing
Sesen Wingtips:
Black Friday
Sesen Wingtips:
poor CB
Sesen Wingtips:
where is he? thought we were going to meet here
Sesen Wingtips:
outside a blue house
Sesen Wingtips:
was too tired to take pic last night. now that i have energy to, everybody's offline D:
Sesen Wingtips:
just documenting
Sesen Wingtips:
At Bay City treelighting concert and auction
Sesen Wingtips:
I am gonna win this gift card! >:)
Sesen Wingtips:
party just started
Sesen Wingtips:
party just started
Sesen Wingtips:
This is the longest line dance i've ever seen.
Sesen Wingtips:
got April Linden in front of me and the cute little Pizza Gator behind me :D
Sesen Wingtips:
now I have a furry fox behind me, where did the little gator go?