servo101: Mama, Shen, Shel and Stef
servo101: Mama, Shen, Shel, Stef and Ron
servo101: Shel with her roller-shoes
servo101: Nope...not single anymore
servo101: Oooh jewelry!
servo101: Sheinna showing off her new dress
servo101: Rollershoes!
servo101: Pose!
servo101: Stef, Shel and Shen
servo101: dad is a lawyer
servo101: Rich!
servo101: Yes...I'm a lawyer
servo101: Shel showing off her new blouse
servo101: Shel with her new gadget courtesy of yours truly
servo101: New phone!
servo101: Shot glass
servo101: Shel showing off gifts
servo101: That lotion is actually pretty good...
servo101: Anf yet another shot of the phone lol
servo101: Last shot of the phone...promise hehe
servo101: Shel and Shen