servo101: At the baptismal rites
servo101: Pouring the water
servo101: Pouring the water
servo101: RJ wearing a white gown lol
servo101: Ron, Tin and RJ
servo101: Ron, Tin and RJ
servo101: Prayers
servo101: Group shot
servo101: Group shot
servo101: Group shot
servo101: The happy parents and little guy in the middle
servo101: Bong and RJ
servo101: Tin and RJ
servo101: Bong, Shel, Stef and RJ
servo101: Chi being held hostage
servo101: Tin and RJ
servo101: Family shot
servo101: Mama, Stef and RJ
servo101: Nanay, Joy and RJ
servo101: Nanay and RJ
servo101: RJ giving me a frown
servo101: Gotta love that look on RJ's face hahahaha!
servo101: Stop bothering me!