serialplantfetishist: Sunset at Fort Funston, 12/18/20
serialplantfetishist: Fort Funston tree growths
serialplantfetishist: A rare afternoon walk on the beach at Fort Funston with the pooches.
serialplantfetishist: Fort Funston
serialplantfetishist: 12/26/22 Fort Funston
serialplantfetishist: Smokey looking at me
serialplantfetishist: Walking at Fort Funston w/ Lia and the pups
serialplantfetishist: Walking at Fort Funston w/ Lia and the pups
serialplantfetishist: This morning at Fort Funston
serialplantfetishist: This morning at Fort Funston
serialplantfetishist: More Fun at Fort Funston
serialplantfetishist: 12/26/22 Fort Funston
serialplantfetishist: More Fun at Fort Funston
serialplantfetishist: More Fun at Fort Funston
serialplantfetishist: More Fun at Fort Funston