serialplantfetishist: Love your crazy eye, Heidi.
serialplantfetishist: Dog On a Mission
serialplantfetishist: On Heart's Desire Beach
serialplantfetishist: Tied up and waiting for me to finish taking photos.
serialplantfetishist: Heidi Rose & Fletcher
serialplantfetishist: Heidi in a Tree
serialplantfetishist: Heidi Rose near the pond.
serialplantfetishist: May 29, 2012
serialplantfetishist: Don't tell Lia she's up on the couch.
serialplantfetishist: Yes doggies, the garden was built just for you.
serialplantfetishist: I spy on Heidi Rose spying on Fletcher
serialplantfetishist: Smokey looking at me
serialplantfetishist: Lia smooching Heidi Rose
serialplantfetishist: Neckin' with my girl
serialplantfetishist: Heidi in her new crate.
serialplantfetishist: Somebody loves me
serialplantfetishist: Heidi Rose with a raw hide. Both dogs think the Flea Bane in the center is for lying on. Fine with me.
serialplantfetishist: Dog On a Mission
serialplantfetishist: Heidi Rose & Fletcher
serialplantfetishist: Love your crazy eye, Heidi.
serialplantfetishist: Tied up and waiting for me to finish taking photos.
serialplantfetishist: Heidi in a Tree